
The lasest show

Die Gute Fabrik's addle platformer Where is my Heart? will arriveon Windows PC and Mac in September via Beef and the Humble Store, with a Linux adjustment accustomed "soon after," the developer arise on its blog NFL 16 Coins.Initially arise on PlayStation Vita,Play Station Portable and Play Station3, the latest anchorage actualization new levels and a new agenda system.

The new adjustment ofWhere is my Heart? andSportsfriends will be playableatDie Gute Fabrik'sbooth in PAX Prime's Indie MegaBooth, bulk 866 amidst "at the front-right Madden 16 Coins." Polygon will be in appearance to accompany you the latest from the show.Die Gute Fabrikunveiled its latest title, an "illustrated, quiet single-player experience" blue-blooded Mutazione, during the Horizon indie bold columnist appointment at E3 2013.

